
Use of goal package and more specificaly the ‘osm’ group of functions for the analysis of OpenStreetMap POIs (Points of Interest) and road network. The following two links, can help on identifying OSM entities (Municipalities, cities, …)

POIs analysis

Aim: Analyse the location of Amenities and Shops in this municipality. First install goal library

#devtools::install_github("dimitrisk/goal", quiet=T)


Download all amenities in this municipality (Points or Polygons or Multipolygons)

am = osm.getPOI(inPerioxi = "Mytilene Municipal Unit", inkey = "amenity")

Alternatively, we can use a bounding box of an area instead of the name of a municipality.

myt = osm.getPOI_usingbb( c(26.547303,39.101658,26.564641,39.113247), inkey ="amenity" )

After downloading the POIs (am), we merge all POIs together (Points, Polygons, Multipolygons), and convert them all to points.

amenities = osm.combineAmenities(am)
## Simple feature collection with 4847 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 26.45563 ymin: 39.00851 xmax: 26.61256 ymax: 39.17293
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## First 10 features:
##              osm_id                                name      amenity
## 228266105 228266105 Myitlini Airport (Old) Fire Station fire_station
## 232407341 232407341                                <NA>         cafe
## 232598112 232598112                          ERA Aegean       studio
## 232598293 232598293                Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου   university
## 247897826 247897826          ΝΕΚΡΟΤΑΦΕΙΟ ΧΡΥΣΟΜΑΛΛΟΥΣΑΣ   grave_yard
## 251858327 251858327                            Ο.Α.Ε.Δ.       school
## 251858392 251858392                   Κάδοι απορριμάτων    recycling
## 251867613 251867613                                <NA>      parking
## 251869171 251869171                                <NA>      parking
## 251869815 251869815                  ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΤΗΜΑ       school
##               geotype                  geometry
## 228266105 frompolygon POINT (26.60452 39.05245)
## 232407341 frompolygon POINT (26.54987 39.09576)
## 232598112 frompolygon POINT (26.54933 39.09052)
## 232598293 frompolygon  POINT (26.5687 39.08468)
## 247897826 frompolygon POINT (26.55574 39.08868)
## 251858327 frompolygon  POINT (26.5263 39.14867)
## 251858392 frompolygon POINT (26.52373 39.15504)
## 251867613 frompolygon POINT (26.54363 39.13031)
## 251869171 frompolygon POINT (26.52924 39.14336)
## 251869815 frompolygon POINT (26.52162 39.15466)

Frequency table of amenities types in this municipality

freq1 = osm.getFrequency(amenities, inword = "amenity", removeNA = F)
## # A tibble: 79 × 3
##    amenity              n   freq
##  * <chr>            <int>  <dbl>
##  1 NA                3053 63.0  
##  2 bench              556 11.5  
##  3 shelter            166  3.42 
##  4 place_of_worship   131  2.70 
##  5 waste_basket       106  2.19 
##  6 cafe                99  2.04 
##  7 parking             82  1.69 
##  8 toilets             77  1.59 
##  9 restaurant          68  1.40 
## 10 recycling           48  0.990
## # ℹ 69 more rows


Get all shops in this municipality (Points, Polygons, Multipolygons)

sh = osm.getPOI(inPerioxi = "Mytilene Municipal Unit", inkey = "shop")

#' Merge all shops (Points, Polygons, Multipolygons), and convert them to points.
shops = osm.combineShops(sh)
## Simple feature collection with 1155 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 26.4562 ymin: 39.03606 xmax: 26.61245 ymax: 39.1719
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## First 10 features:
##              osm_id                  name          shop     geotype
## 232597560 232597560            Κωτσόβολος   electronics frompolygon
## 251867612 251867612                  Lidl   supermarket frompolygon
## 251868137 251868137         Chinese Store       clothes frompolygon
## 251991641 251991641       ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος   supermarket frompolygon
## 252369882 252369882             Μy Market   supermarket frompolygon
## 255945997 255945997 Κοινωνικό παντοπωλείο   supermarket frompolygon
## 256627981 256627981               Ανεμώνη confectionery frompolygon
## 257685220 257685220               Φράγκος     furniture frompolygon
## 258057913 258057913            Μολυβιάτης          toys frompolygon
## 258057914 258057914            Μολυβιάτης          toys frompolygon
##                            geometry
## 232597560 POINT (26.55529 39.10176)
## 251867612 POINT (26.54371 39.13064)
## 251868137 POINT (26.54284 39.12877)
## 251991641 POINT (26.54546 39.12553)
## 252369882  POINT (26.55517 39.1003)
## 255945997  POINT (26.55562 39.1069)
## 256627981 POINT (26.45648 39.03617)
## 257685220 POINT (26.46862 39.12083)
## 258057913 POINT (26.55741 39.10794)
## 258057914 POINT (26.55747 39.10811)

Frequency table of shop types in this municipality

freq2 = osm.getFrequency(shops, inword = "shop", removeNA = F)
## # A tibble: 93 × 3
##    shop            n  freq
##  * <chr>       <int> <dbl>
##  1 NA            463 40.1 
##  2 clothes        91  7.88
##  3 convenience    62  5.37
##  4 hairdresser    40  3.46
##  5 jewelry        27  2.34
##  6 bakery         25  2.16
##  7 supermarket    25  2.16
##  8 kiosk          24  2.08
##  9 shoes          22  1.90
## 10 butcher        20  1.73
## # ℹ 83 more rows


Create empty raster of this area and get the polygon of this area.

r = osm.CreateEmptyRaster(inPerioxi = "Mytilene Municipal Unit")

#' Get polygon of the area
mypol = osmdata::getbb("Mytilene Municipal Unit", format_out = "sf_polygon")$multipolygon

Sum of shops per cell

density1 = raster::rasterize(shops, r, field=1, fun=sum) # sum
plot(mypol, add=T)

Sum of amenities per cell

density2 = raster::rasterize(amenities, r, field=1, fun=sum) # sum
plot(mypol, add=T)


Presense/Absence of shops in cells

presense1 = raster::rasterize(shops, r, field=1) # presense
plot(mypol, add=T)

Presense/Absence of shops in cells

presense2 = raster::rasterize(amenities, r, field=1) # presense
plot(mypol, add=T)

Web Map

#' web map1
leaflet(amenities) %>% addTiles() %>%  leaflet::addMarkers(popup = ~as.character(amenity), label = ~as.character(amenity))
#' web map2
simplevis::leaf_sf_col(amenities,  col_var = amenity)

Custom bounding box

We now use a custom bounding box and then download data only for this area.

am = osm.getPOI_usingbb( c(26.547303,39.101658,26.564641,39.113247), inkey ="amenity" ) # Download
mypol_bb = osm.osmdata_result_2_bbox_pol(am) # get polygon of this bounding box.
amenities = osm.combineAmenities(am) # combine all amenities into points.

Now get the general polygon of this municipality (coastline)

mypol2 = osmdata::getbb("Mytilene Municipal Unit", format_out = "sf_polygon")$multipolygon
poly = goal::osm.bb_2_pol(inVec=q, outcrs=2100) 

What we have so far:

plot(mypol2, border="red")
plot(mypol_bb, add=T)
plot(amenities, add=T)

zoomed in:

plot(mypol_bb )
plot(mypol2, border="red", add=T)
plot(amenities, add=T)

We need to calculate the intersection between municipality polygon (coastline) and the custom square bounding box we have defined.

clip1 = sf::st_intersection(mypol_bb,mypol2)

show the area

plot(mypol2, border="red", add=T)
plot(amenities, add=T)

Create an empty raster of this intersection:

r = raster(clip1 )

Calculate the density of amenities (points) in this clipped area:

density1 = raster::rasterize(amenities, r, field=1, fun=sum) # sum
plot(clip1, add=T)
plot(as_Spatial(amenities), add=T, cex=0.5)

Road network analysis

Get all roads of this municipality by using just the municipality name:

myr1 = osm.getRoads(inPerioxi = "Mytilene Municipal Unit", 
                    withBB=FALSE, outcrs = 2100)
## Using name of area
## # A sfnetwork with 2536 nodes and 1799 edges
## #
## # CRS:  EPSG:2100 
## #
## # An undirected multigraph with 775 components with spatially explicit edges
## #
## # A tibble: 2,536 × 1
##             geometry
##          <POINT [m]>
## 1 (720570.8 4331266)
## 2 (719927.1 4331309)
## 3 (721299.6 4331289)
## 4 (721287.5 4331404)
## 5 (721245.2 4331235)
## 6 (721069.4 4331400)
## # ℹ 2,530 more rows
## #
## # A tibble: 1,799 × 6
##    from    to osm_id   name           highway                           geometry
##   <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>          <chr>                     <LINESTRING [m]>
## 1     1     2 39428970 Ζωοδόχου Πηγής primary (720570.8 4331266, 720530.6 43312…
## 2     3     4 40847716 8ης Νοεμβρίου  primary (721299.6 4331289, 721295.2 43313…
## 3     3     5 40847725 NA             primary (721245.2 4331235, 721248.1 43312…
## # ℹ 1,796 more rows
plot(myr1, col="blue", main="sfnetworks Roads (by municipality name)")

Get all roads of this area by using a bounding box:

myr2 = osm.getRoads(incoordinates = c(26.545029,39.088569,26.570177,39.116810), 
                    withBB=TRUE, outcrs = 2100 )
## Using bbox
## # A sfnetwork with 1011 nodes and 745 edges
## #
## # CRS:  EPSG:2100 
## #
## # An undirected multigraph with 283 components with spatially explicit edges
## #
## # A tibble: 1,011 × 1
##             geometry
##          <POINT [m]>
## 1 (720570.8 4331266)
## 2 (719927.1 4331309)
## 3 (721299.6 4331289)
## 4 (721287.5 4331404)
## 5 (721245.2 4331235)
## 6 (721069.4 4331400)
## # ℹ 1,005 more rows
## #
## # A tibble: 745 × 6
##    from    to osm_id   name           highway                           geometry
##   <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>          <chr>                     <LINESTRING [m]>
## 1     1     2 39428970 Ζωοδόχου Πηγής primary (720570.8 4331266, 720530.6 43312…
## 2     3     4 40847716 8ης Νοεμβρίου  primary (721299.6 4331289, 721295.2 43313…
## 3     3     5 40847725 NA             primary (721245.2 4331235, 721248.1 43312…
## # ℹ 742 more rows
plot(myr2, col="grey", main="sfnetworks Roads (by bbox)")


net2 = osm.getRoads(q, withBB=TRUE, outcrs=4326)
## Using bbox
poly = osm.bb_2_pol(q, outcrs =  4326)
net3 = osm.ClipSFnetwork_with_poly(net2, poly)

plot(net3,col="grey", main="Clipped sfnetwork")


Walkability is a measure of accessibility of amenities by foot. A possible proxy way of measuring walkability in a city can be considered the total length of footways of the city. The following function, calculates the total length (and some other statistics) of footways in a city:

mylength = osm.getLength_footway( place="Mytilene Municipal Unit" )
## $TotalLength
## 44833.45 [m]
## $MeanLength
## 97.88964 [m]
## $MedianLength
## 27.73577 [m]
## $SDLength
## [1] 363.2223
## $VarianceLength
## [1] 131930.4
## $QuntilesLength
## Units: [m]
##           0%          25%          50%          75%         100% 
##    0.6416553   10.7238693   27.7357690   66.1254945 6465.5806419